Friday, April 22, 2011

Just noticed some Punctuation Errors in that last blog, Darn It!

(Shail will fix them at her computer in India I hope. She is one heck of a writing whiz—both in form and substance. Thanks, HRP) The rest of you see if you can find them, you “nitpickers.”

road spelling error

Couldn’t find a nitpicker quote of any real substance, you all. Sorry.

Good Evening,

Bob Hoff

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Joke's on Me

I was working on a test blog or two last night, made some mistakes, and now I can’t fix them. Please ignore them as best as you can. I don’t think that I will make them again, but who knows?
I like what Mr. Jim Nestor said about mistakes--

“We need to take one game at a time. This is only one game, and we've got a lot more on the schedule. We need to learn from our mistakes.”

There are way too many “Jim Nestor results on Google to say who he is or was. Sorry.